Self Healing: Finding Joy in the Journey
Part four of my self-healing journey I am targeting the pains in my body that are associated with lack of joy.
Part four of my self-healing journey I am targeting the pains in my body that are associated with lack of joy.
Part three of my self-healing journey I created the G.R.A.C.E. method to target the pains in my body that are associated with fear.
Part two of my self-healing journey I created a forgiveness cleanse to target the pains in my body that are associated with anger.
Learning to stay in shape with only two types of preferred exercise and a body that has too much range of motion (hypermobility).
My unconventional but successful way of dealing with skin irritations such as acne, rashes, or in my case, random skin bumps.
What do you think of when I mention protective skincare maintenance? Come take a look at different strategies you can do to protect and care for your skin.
Follow the four steps of my forgiveness cleanse to heal your mental, physical, and emotional pains.
Travel through time as I detail what I have learned about healthy skin and beauty tips.
What is it like living with EDS/hEDS? See what it looks like, read the symptoms, learn about strategies to maintain a healthy & happy lifestyle living with hEDS.
Follow along the month of November to learn more about my genetic disorder that affects my entire body and mind, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)