Sunday, July 24, 2022

Welcome to Self-care Sunday’s of my B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blog! This is a special space where I share some of my self-love strategies. A few weeks ago, I posted about my self-care experience with The BIG Float X floating with my family on the Willamette River. Last week, I shared my favorite digital pastime, SongPop Classic. This week, I just finished up with a business conference in Las Vegas, returned late last night, and now I will reflect and relish in self-love strategies that I did today.

R&R Strategies After a Business Conference
- Grace – giving myself grace for the time that I was able to spend at the conference even though I did not have much time for myself for other activities such as completing my daily blog posts, getting enough rest, and eating properly. Giving my teammates grace for attending the conference in spite of their adversities. Giving grace to all the service providers in Vegas for the hard work they did to make sure we had an amazing time.
- Gratitude – Grateful for my parents providing transportation to and from the airport. Grateful to travel and stay in a comfortable suite. Grateful for the opportunity to build strong businesses with my team.
- Joy – Writing down what parts of the conference brought me joy. Understanding the parts that did not bring me joy. Brainstorming ways to bring more joy to the next conference.
- Love – Loving myself the best ways I know how with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, peace, and prayers. Loving others with all my heart. Documenting the parts of the conference I loved.
- Peace – giving myself time to rest, relax, and enjoy peace and quiet. Praying that my team members are experiencing peace after this long business week. If you are seeking peace, might I say that Vegas is far from it, lol.

I know that might not be the R&R list you were thinking about. As I began to type some rest and recuperation/relaxation strategies (taking a bath, taking a nap, etc), I started reflecting on the conference, seeing it from a different perspective through a lens of self-love, and this list was born. Perhaps this new type of R&R can help at the end of any busy week.
Sending lots of love and gratitude,
Dr. Jaime Brainerd, E.d.D.