Self-care Sunday: Costume Fun

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Happy Howwwwwwloween Friends, thank you for stopping by my Self-care Sundays B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blog where I share a variety of self-care strategies that bring me joy. The first week in October, I told about my family visiting Halloweentown in St. Helens, OR. The second week, I posted about my friends and I enjoying our time celebrating at McMenamins Cosmic Tripster Party. The third week, I detailed my love of music and its influence on me throughout the years. Last week, I shared my experience with my family and their friend at the Dogman: The Musical in Portland, Or. This final spooky weekend, I am sharing joyful memories of times I gotta dress up in a costume for fun!

Batman Symphony 2019

Oct. 6, 2019, Batman in Concert, Arlene Schnitzer Hall, Portland, OR

Halloween Costumes

’19 Black Widow, ’21 ’80’s, ’22 ’90’s Halloween, Crystal Ballroom, OR

Mardi Gras 2021

Feb. 16, 2021, Celebrating Mardi Gras in masks, New Orleans, LA

Masquerade Ball 2021

Masquerade Ball and Heartbeat Silent Disco Party, Portland, OR

Snapchat Filters 2016-Present

Thank you for reading and viewing,

About the Author

Dr. Brainerd

Hello, I am Dr. Jaime Brainerd Ed.D., a lifelong learner, beauty consultant, author, financial specialist, artist, traveler, health enthusiast, and self care advocate. Please follow my website for my B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blogs.

4 thoughts on “Self-care Sunday: Costume Fun

  1. What a fun blog today! You really get into it with your costumes, love them all! When Lia’s mommy was bout 8 years old, I dressed up as Santa Claus and while walking around the neighborhood with her, I got lots of stares. I would yell out to to trick or treaters that Christmas isn’t that far away and to make sure the behave or they will get coal in their stockings! LOL Lia had her school Halloween party Friday and she dressed up as Arabel from the movie Enchanto, this weekend she’s a pirate while visiting her grandparents and tomorrow she will be the most beautiful fairy walking around our neighborhood. Happy Halloween to you and hope it’s filled with treats and no tricks! Hugs and love from Lia and me.

  2. How fun! And I just figured out you’re from Oregon! My family has deep roots there and I was born in central Oregon! I’m now up in central Washington.

  3. Love the costumes! So much fun!

    I remember a low-frills costume I put together a few years ago was a big hit! I wore black jeans and a long black shirt. I covered my face completely with black makeup. Next, I put on a simple yellow winter hat. No one could figure out what I was until I told them – then they said it was ingenious!

    The yellow hat was the sun, and I was a shadow!

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