Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Good day Readers! Thank you for stopping by Reading Tuesdays of my B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blog where I spotlight on my favorite self-help authors who I consider my best friends because their words were the light that guided me through the darker parts of my life. On Tuesdays this month, I will be sharing the authors whose books have shifted my mindset, taught me about my own resilience, inspired personal change, and expanded my heart.

Meet My Favorite Self-help Authors
Week one in October, I shared about my first time finding a self-help author back in 2014, Dr. Brené Brown. The second week, I discussed how I found Rhonda Byrne in 2016, the Australian author/film producer who is famously known worldwide for “The Secret” series of books and videos. Last week, I shared my second favorite self-help author Dr. Wayne Dyer (Louise Hay is my #1 and lead me to Dr. Dyer). Most recently in 2020, I picked up the 2019 book, “The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life,” by a new author (not from Hay House like most of my author friends) Dr. Sue Morter, someone I had never read or heard of.

Finding The Energy Codes Book
When I first found The Energy Codes book in early 2020, I had been on a two-year self-healing journey and was seeking more resources than the ones I mentioned earlier this month, someone with new science and spiritual ideas combined. I believe that books are my teachers and come to me at divine timing. When searching for “heal your body” books, Dr. Sue Morter’s Energy Codes book came up and my interest peaked. Most of the books I read were by psychologists as I was first intentionally healing my mind so that I could learn how to relax and heal my body. That is when I discovered about doctors who study bioenergetics, the body/mind connection through transformation of energy.

Getting to Know the Author, Dr. Sue Morter
The first chapter of The Energy Codes, Dr. Sue Morter takes us on a journey from where her life took a transformative shift from painful spinal issues (similar to my own) correcting themselves without traditional methods. She grew up in a family of doctors who studied naturopathic and energy sciences, and took on a similar role as her father, but her work took a different turn after her spiritual awakening occurred during a meditation. Her life dramatically changed where her body instantly healed, clients multiplied, and problems started solving themselves. Wanting to get back to that moment, she turned her life into a research lab and documented her quantum flip into what is now called, The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life.”

Understanding Two Sides to Self
In the first part of Energy Codes, Dr. Morter describes two sides to each of us (see diagram above), front and back; with the front side being soulful, creative, and genius; and the back side being the victim in survival mode. There are three stages to get from the back to the front: 1. Victimhood, 2. Self-help, and 3. Creatorship (Morter, 2019). I realized I was in stage two, but really wanted to be in stage three, so I continued on with learning the steps listed throughout the book.

What Are The Energy Codes?
The Energy Codes book has several diagrams explaining thousands of years old effective techniques with the seven chakras (1. Root, 2. Sacral, 3. Solar Plexus, 4. Heart, 5. Throat, 6. Third Eye, 7. Crown) that discuss specific areas of the body that are affected, negative symptoms (back side), positive symptoms (front side), and the different practices, breathwork, yoga poses, musical notes, elements, colors, and positions on the body (Morter, 2019). Once I had a better understanding of the affected areas of my body, I could use The Energy Codes Program (part two of the book) to target specific pains with the different codes. The final part of the book gives us practical steps to move forward with The Energy Codes practice one day at a time through food, breathwork, sleep, exercise, gratitude, and routines.

Conclusion on Dr. Morter’s Energy Codes
While I have not had my transformative breakthrough yet, I have lots of tactical information I can flip to in The Energy Codes book. It has been two years since starting the book and I can see a huge difference in my overall physical, mental, and emotional health. I carry Dr. Morter’s book everywhere I go, similar to Louise Hay’s “Heal Your Body” book, as I reference them both almost daily to target different pains in my body, mind, or heart. Dr. Morter’s Energy Codes has been a profound tool in my self-healing journey and I am happy to pass on my story of how it has helped me as it might just do the same for you, too.
Thank you for reading,
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your self-help books and have them all written down to check them out. This one sounds very interesting especially when I saw she mentions the throat. I need to read this soon!
Hello Martha, thank you for reading and commenting. The Energy Codes is a great resource for every part of the body. It really got me into proper yoga moves and breathwork, I love where the book has advanced my knowledge of self-healing. Thank you for sharing. Jaime
Thank you for sharing. I will add this book to my list. Have you read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work?
Hi Lisa, Yes, I love Dr. Dispenza’s story of how he healed his spine miraculously in just a few months and walked out of the hospital to spend the rest of his life researching how he did it. Hay House Audio does share some of his meditations and immersive learning audio that I have listened to. I am very drawn to self healers. Thank you for sharing. Jaime