Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Welcome back friends to Education (financial) Wednesdays on my B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blog. For this month, I am holding this space to share my financial education journey in the year which has been drastically different from how I managed my finances in the past. I realized with the recession we are in that now is the best time to get started on readjusting everything I know about financial literacy and each week this month I will be sharing with you the strategies I have learned. The first week, I shared about a book I came across last year called, “Profit First,” by Mike Michalowicz. Last week, I shared my budgeting strategies from the past and present. This third week, I am sharing some of my favorite money mindset resources in books, podcasts, YouTube, and courses.

Money Authors
When I first started reading about money, the physical books I owned were all written by men like Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad” series, Tony Robbins “Money: Master the Game,” or the classic “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill. Just in the last five years as I am starting out as a female entrepreneur, I have been more focused on reading books that are more aligned to myself through female role models like Suze Orman, Marie Forleo, and Denise Duffield Thomas. There are also a few authors from different backgrounds who have helped me change my money mindset through their books like, Morgan Housel’s book, “The Psychology of Money,” Marie Crlyle’s book, “Money Magnet Mindset,” and two of Stuart Wilde’s books, “The Little Money Bible” and “The Trick to Money is Having Some.”

Digital Money Book Resources
Nowadays, most of my books about money are published by Hay House and found on my Empower You app audio subscription. When I listen to a book I really enjoy, I will purchase the ebook so that I can carry it around in my digital Kindle library. Next, I listen to the audiobook while following along in the ebook, and taking notes in my Google Docs. This way I can better recall the main points of the book and also create book reviews. Many of the authors that I read also have email lists, podcasts, YouTubes, courses, or a combination that I will follow or join.

Money Podcasts
When I need some money mindset inspiration and listening to or reading a book would be too time consuming, I like to listen to short podcasts about specific topics. Other times, like when I am driving, I will just binge listen to a money podcast. One of my first podcasts I listened to was because my friend from high school, Chris Miles, started his own business and money show called, “Money Ripples.” Majority of the podcasts that I follow are of female entrepreneurs who share their journeys with money, like “The Marie Forleo Podcast,” Suze Orman’s “Women and Money,” and my favorite go-to money podcast, “Chill and Prosper” with Denise Duffield Thomas.

Money YouTubes
Likewise, many of the podcast creators I follow, also have YouTube videos that offer tips and tricks I can watch or listen to. When I want to research a specific topic, I will search keywords with the name of one of my favorite authors/podcasters. I believe one of the oldest YouTubes I have been following is Marie Forleo. Next, I would be watching my friend, “Money Ripples.” More recently, I have been following Denise Duffield Thomas YouTube videos as she too has a lot to share that also came from her favorite money mindset coaches.

Money Courses
Most of the money authors/content creators I have mentioned also have money courses they offer to take you a step further than the books, podcasts, and YouTube videos. Many offer a ton of reliable free content that can help people with money, and they also have courses or boot camps where you join a community of like-minded individuals who support each other in their money endeavors. Some examples would include Marie Forleo’s B School for making money with business marketing, some free and paid content about money with Money Ripples Programs, and the one I invested in last year, Denise Duffield-Thomas’ Money Bootcamp.

Conclusion on Money Mindset Resources
The first step in making more money is changing your mindset around it. Perhaps you like to read physical books, or listen to audiobooks or podcasts, or maybe you want someone to hold your hand through a coaching program or money course. There are several resources to help you change your money mindset and start your journey to financial freedom. Which is your preference? Please share in the comments below.
Thank you for reading,
Dr. Jaime Brainerd, E.d.D.
Jaime, thank you! There are so many people claiming to be experts about money, it’s difficult to sort out the good ones. You’ve curated them into a manageable group, all with worthwhile expertise. Very helpful!
Great resources! I have always liked Suze Orman and she makes many good points. For personal finances, my husband and I have followed many suggestions from Dave Ramsey, which helped get us out of debt and more financial freedom.