Monday, November 1, 2021
Hello Gorgeous! Welcome back to my Beauty Monday’s weekly blog. Since my last Weekly Facial blog in August, I have been traveling around the United States, completing my third trip in one year! I will follow up with that story on my Travel Friday’s blog. For the month of November, I will be blogging about Beauty Society every Monday to introduce our company and how it helps people look and feel their best, and can be a fun side biz to earn extra cash and even a disposable income! This week, I am sharing about Beauty Society’s Product of The Month.

Beauty Society’s Product of The Month
Each month, Beauty Society’s founder, Jeannie Lorin selects a skincare product from her line that is featured for the month with 20% off for retail customers and 50% for Advisors and Elite Customers the entire month. This is a great time to restock on favorite Beauty Society products. For the month of November, Jeanie’s pick is, Youth Accelerator.

What is Youth Accelerator?
A (step 3) rebuilding serum that rejuvenates aging skin and lessens the appearance of unsightly wrinkles with revolutionary ingredients derived from stem cells of an extremely rare Swiss Apple Tree. Customers have experienced a noticeable improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and overall “glow” to their skin in as little as 28 days. I use Youth Accelerator daily in my Morning Beauty Routine.

How Can I Get 50% Product of the Month?
While retail customers enjoy the 20% off, Elite Customers and Advisors can get half off the price.
What is an Elite Customer?
The benefits to becoming an Elite Beauty Society Customer are:
- FREE to join (no membership or maintenance fee). To join, sign up to regularly receive your Beauty Society products and you get a 15% discount.
- FREE shipping for life: free for orders $40+, discounted shipping of $4.95 for any order under $40.
- 50% off Product of the Month
- Beauty Box Access: for $60/month receive our monthly subscription box (which comes out around the 15th of every month) with a curated selection of new and veteran products, samples, travel sizes, and beauty tools.
What is a Beauty Advisor?
The benefits of a becoming a Beauty Society Advisor:
- One time purchase of Beauty Society Legacy Box for $59 ($9.99/monthly membership fee waived first three months).
- Wholesale pricing, 25% off EVERYTHING
- FREE shipping for life: free for orders $40+, 25% off discounted shipping for any order under $40.
- 50% off Product of the Month
- Beauty Box Access: for $45/month receive our monthly subscription box (which comes out around the 15th of every month) with a curated selection of new and veteran products, samples, travel sizes, and beauty tools.
- Full service back office with in-depth reports, e-commerce website, and 25-55% commissions on every product sold (The monthly advisor fee $9.99 covers the back office costs, comes out around the first of the month, and is the only cost to maintain as an active advisor).
- Get paid weekly!

How To Find Out More About Beauty Society Products
I became a Beauty Advisor to learn how to take care of my skin, help others care for their skin, help my friend’s new business (now a teenager), look great, feel amazing in my new flawless skin, and make some side cash. If you would like some more information about the products, would like to find out your personal skin care regime, or maybe you are interested in our Beauty Advisor program, please email me at or check out our website.
Thank you for reading,
Dr. Jaime Brainerd, Ed.D.
*Disclaimer: I am a Beauty Society Advisor, when you click on the links provided you will be directed back to my Beauty Society website where I do make a profit off the retail amount, however, there will be no extra charges to you. If you are interested in purchasing the products at a discount, you can sign up as an elite customer or advisor to save an extra 15-25% off everything, and 50% off our product of the month.
I need this monthly product! I’m the type that I don’t like to spend money on myself but will give anything to anyone else. I may just have to bite the bullet and try this out.
Yesss! Please message me if you have any questions. Our skincare line has a 12 month money back guarantee, so if you try it out and if it does not work for you, return it for a full refund! We stand by our products and love when our customers are 100% satisfied!
Thank you for your reply, sending love,